Women as well as men can be on a Hero’s Journey when they are heeding the inner call to adventure. Every woman is acted upon by two powerful forces: the goddesses within us, and the expectations of others and culture on us. Within, the archetypes can ally, and they can also create conflict. In our outer lives, those closest to us consciously or unconsciously mold us to fit their needs. Patriarchy rewards, limits, or punishes archetypes.

So, which goddess gets the Golden Apple and who decides ? In life, we are all affected by circumstances beyond our control, yet how we respond to them determines who we are becoming. Through the use of consciousness and choice, you can determine your true path.

In this module, you’ll:

  • See how consciousness and choice lead to an authentic and meaningful life
  • Develop your ability to listen to messages from synchronistic events, dreams, body knowledge, heart responses and gnosis
  • Hear a perspective that life is a soul journey
  • Reflect upon the necessity for courage, and what it means for you and for specific archetypes to be brave
  • Learn how to endure the tension of opposites until there is clarity
  • Gain inspiration from the song: “If I Were Brave" by Jana Stanfield
  • Learn the personal meaning of The Judgment of Paris